Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy Feet!
Penguins are generally known for their inate abilities of fishing. The movie “Happy Feet,” was directed by George Miller, produced by George Miller, Doug Mitchell, and Bill Miller, and written by Warren Coleman, John Collee, George Miller, and Judy Morris. This movie gives Penguins another strange ability: Dancing. The film begins with the knowledge that Penguins must sing a song and listen for a reply that interests them in order to find a soulmate. Norma Jean and Memphis go through this process and produce a child, Mumble. He is left in the care of Memphis, while Norma Jean goes for a fishing expedition. Memphis accidentally exposes the egg to the harsh arctic temperatures. The result is that when Mumble is born, his singing voice is terrible. However, he has an ability that none of the other Penguins have ever heard of: tampdancin. This is frowned upon by the villege elders, and mumble is ostracized by the rest of the villege, with only his mother and friend Gloria to turn to.
When he grows up to be an adult, he is still half-covered in fluffy down. Through a series of mishaps, Mumble ends up far from his home, and joins a coleny of adelie Penguins. He is finally accepted there. However, after he accidentally starts an avalanche, a long-frozen excavator is free. He is emmetiately curious, and set out to seek the strange alians behind the device.
Back at Mumble’s home, it is mating season. Gloria is the center of attention, but is uninterested in any suiters. Finally, Mumble persuades her to sing to his dance, and all the Penguins begin dancing. The elders are furious, and blame Mumble’s dancing for a shortage of fish in the arctic. He is exiled, and vows to find the real reason for the lack of food. He travvles with the Amigos, the group of adelie Penguins he’d been with earlier, as well as Lovelace, a self-worshipping rockhopper. Gloria offers him her help, but due to fear for her safety, he does whatever it takes to get rid of her. This mostly includes insulting her singing. Finally, he discovers that the humans are the cause of the fish-shortage, so he persuades them to go to the arctic, where they realize the harm they are having on the Penguins. The everyone begins dancing.
Penguins are wonderful animals, If I had one, I would build a huge swimming pool, and then invent a refrigeration unet for the pool.
When he grows up to be an adult, he is still half-covered in fluffy down. Through a series of mishaps, Mumble ends up far from his home, and joins a coleny of adelie Penguins. He is finally accepted there. However, after he accidentally starts an avalanche, a long-frozen excavator is free. He is emmetiately curious, and set out to seek the strange alians behind the device.
Back at Mumble’s home, it is mating season. Gloria is the center of attention, but is uninterested in any suiters. Finally, Mumble persuades her to sing to his dance, and all the Penguins begin dancing. The elders are furious, and blame Mumble’s dancing for a shortage of fish in the arctic. He is exiled, and vows to find the real reason for the lack of food. He travvles with the Amigos, the group of adelie Penguins he’d been with earlier, as well as Lovelace, a self-worshipping rockhopper. Gloria offers him her help, but due to fear for her safety, he does whatever it takes to get rid of her. This mostly includes insulting her singing. Finally, he discovers that the humans are the cause of the fish-shortage, so he persuades them to go to the arctic, where they realize the harm they are having on the Penguins. The everyone begins dancing.
Penguins are wonderful animals, If I had one, I would build a huge swimming pool, and then invent a refrigeration unet for the pool.
If there was any way possible that I could domesticate a wild animal then I would definately get a pet baboon! It would be soo awesome. We could live in the desert of California. My brother practically lives there anyways so we could just move right in with him! If I has a pet baboon, we would do nothing but chill. I wouldn't ever put him in a cage but I would have to tame him first of course. He would be the best dern baboon there ever was! He would be my all time best bud! You may know him from the Lion King? His name was Rafiki which means "my friend" in Swahili but I would just call him Fred! He appears to be a crazy old coot of a monkey on the surface but he is actually very wise believe it or not. We all need somebody to keep us sane in this world today!
- Katie Knight
Giraffes are the best!

Giraffes are a mangifcant animal. If I could have this as a pet, I would have so much fun. I would put him/her with my horses in the pasture. There necks may be long, but they could get under any obsticle. Also, a Giraffe is in the movie Madagascar. In the movie, he plays a giraffe in a zoo in New York. Him and his friends follow the zebra to the train station and then get caught. Once they are caught, they get put in boxes and turned out into the wild. They learn that friends should always help each other. Giraffes are cool and i wish i could get one.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pandas ar cool, Everyone knows what panda's are. They've often been displayed by the media such as in summer blockbuster Kungfu Panda. In this movie Po the panda has to learn Kungfu to defeat the villian in the movie. It is a comedy movie for kids. Pandas would be cool to domesticate. I'd let it live in my room and feed it bamboo. If it maybe got trained enough I could get it to clean my room, Just kidding.:D. Well still pandas are pretty cool.
Blaine \m/
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Siberian Tiger
I would like to have a Siberian tiger as a pet because they are soft and beautiful. I would raise it from when it is born so it will be more easier to take care of. There is a movie called The Jungle Book that I'm sure almost everyone has seen, that has a tiger named Shere Khan in it. His role in the movie was to kill the little boy Mowgli. I think it would be fun to take care of a wild animal because it's something not alot of people have time to do. I would have time to tame and take care of a Siberian tiger because I like to take care of any animal at any time.
-Kristin R.
HiPpOs aRe cOoL!!!
-Shalane Hairston- :)
Zebras: A colorful animal everyone loves
Zebra! This is my favorite animal. I love their stripes and how they always stick with each other in packs. The real question of these animals is are they white with black stripes or black with white strips. Personally I think that they're white with black stripes. Even one of my favorite movies has a zebra in it. "Racing Stripes" is a story about a girl that finds a baby zebra and raises him as her own. When Stripes grows up she decides to race him with other horses. This is definately a movie that I recommend.
- Logan Belton
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
What sports do u like? I Like Volleyball,Tennis and,Soccer. I like the sports cause they are fun to play and it gives you something to do. I also like Swimming because during winter i can still go swimming unlike other sports. This Year in the Olympics the major American sports are Basketball, Soccer and Basketball.

Music is apart of entertainment and who you really are. Music is the words kept inside that nobody can quite hear or understand! There are many different genres too. Beleive it or not, the type of music you listen to could greatly effect your mood! Rock could describe your anger and country could soothe your soul with a slow love song. Rap could make your heart race and christian could take you closer to God! Music could be your escape from a dramma filled, teenage heartache life. Give it a shot. Live your life free and explore who you truely are!

Fashion; its all around the world.
Fashion had a wide variety of choices. Well my favorite thing about fashion is pocket books. You can get a cheap one at Wal-mart or a pricey one online or some other place. You have a big pocket book or small, but i prefer big. I can tote all my books, make-up, or anything else i would need. Fashion is always changing and has a unique way of changing.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
TV shows
Whats your favorite television show?
I have two favorites, they are Reba and The Secret Life of the American Teenager.
Reba is a television show that comes on Lifetime. I like that show because it's always hilarious and you will always laugh in at least one episode. There are many different characters on the show. Van is my favorite character he's crazy and funny at the same time. He is Reba's daughters boyfriend.
The Secret Life of the American Teenager started this year and had their season finale Tuesday, September 9th on ABCfamily. This is another one of my favorite television shows because its dramatic. All of the characters are teenagers at a highschool. It really does tell the story of a teenagers life. I cant really pick a favorite character off of this show, because they are all really great. Any teenager should definately watch this show.
By: Kristin Richardson
radio style!
I think the radio is the fastest and easiest way to be entertained. I interviewed one of the top DJ's in N.C, Busta Brown from 97.1 QMG. He said the favorite kind of music, on his radio station, that he played was R&B, Old school, Old classic, and Hip-Hop. The top radio station for Rap and Hip-Hop is 102 Jamz. They said that Rap and Hip-Hop "This is the only new school junk we have!!!!"
Rockband2 or Guitar Hero 4
Coming out this fall these two games both promise to be a hit, but which one is better? You have the originality of guitar hero plus they've added new instruments. Then theres rockband2 which was extremely popular but had some major glitches. In my opinion Guitar hero 4 will be better because theyve only said 30 of the songs that will be on there including, Eye of the tiger, What Ive done.Rockband2 has all the bells and whistles though. With rock band2 already released all there songs to the public like, Let there be rock, Down with the sickness, White wedding, and Pinball wizard.Guitar hero4 adds all the instruments and the make your own song option though making it much better than rockband2.
Published by:Blaine Stines
Magazine: National Inquirer Controversie over Sarah Palin

When Republican Presidential nominee John McCain first picked Sarah Palin as he representative for VP it was already a big controversy. Days later, "The National Inquirer" dropped a huge story claiming that Palin's seventeen year old was pregnant with her boyfriends child. Hours later Palin publicly confirmed her daughter's pregnancy and that she intended to marry the father. The media still buzzing over Palin being a woman, went crazy when they discovered the rumors to be true. Many have criticized Palin as a bad representative, claiming that her daughter is a bad influence on the teenage girls of America. I on the other hand disagree. In my opinion, it possibly makes her an even better qualified candidate. Besides having a pregnant seventeen year old, she also has four other children. The youngest was just born last year and was diagnosed with down syndrome, and her oldest son just left for Iraq. I think that just her family and what she's already been through proves that she can handle almost anything. This in my opinion makes her even more relatable to the citizens of America, if not the men then even more so to women. Sarah Palin has also raised the percentage of McCain voters in the last week and hopefully will continue to do so. There are more people out there who see this issue as I do , but we won't know until November if there's a enough.
By: Logan Belton
Book Review: Twilight
Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. Published October 5, 2005, the book begins with 17-year-old Bella Swan moving to Forks Washington, to live with her father, Police chief, Charlie Swan. Forks is a small town, and it rains almost every day. On her first day of school, she meets Edward Cullen. Emmetiatly, she is entranced by his appearance, as welll as his standoffish demeanor. He generally keeps to himself, and never eats. She also refers to his appearance as “nonhuman.” When Bella is almost crushed by a truck, quick action from Edward pulls her from the scene. She is transported to the local hospital, and there meets Edwards adoptive father, Carlyle Cullen, who works as a doctor. When her class goes on a trip to the Quileute residence of La Push. Their, she learns from family-friend, Jacob Black, that the Cullens are not allowed on the residence, because they are a member of a group called the “cold ones.” Jacob tells her that the Cullens are “blood suckers”, but they aren’t supposed to be dangerous. He says that they have learned to control their need for blood by drinking animal blood. When she returns home, Bella considers this theory. She decides that even if Edward and his family are vampires, she doesn’t care. After she is again rescued by Edward, she tells him of this decision. “I decided it doesn’t matter,” she said.
“It doesn’t matter?” His tone made me look up. I’d finally broken through is carefully composed mask. His face was incredulous, with joust a hint of the anger I’d feared.
“no,” I said softly. “it doesn’t matter to me what you are.”
Edward is innecially reluctant to be anywhere near Bella, due to a fear that he will loose control of his desire to drink. But, when James, a vampire who does not agree with the Cullen’s diet, decides to track Bella. Will the drama overwhelm Bella, or will she persurvere and win Edwards attentions?
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