Music is apart of entertainment and who you really are. Music is the words kept inside that nobody can quite hear or understand! There are many different genres too. Beleive it or not, the type of music you listen to could greatly effect your mood! Rock could describe your anger and country could soothe your soul with a slow love song. Rap could make your heart race and christian could take you closer to God! Music could be your escape from a dramma filled, teenage heartache life. Give it a shot. Live your life free and explore who you truely are!

rock is awsome no anger is in it, it resmbols unity. its still better than crap, i mean rap, no i ment crap.
rock is awsome no anger is in it, it resmbols unity. its still better than crap, i mean rap, no i ment crap. Wise words of AC/DC
let there be rock
Hey everyone the L stands for logan he has brown hair and braces. And besides he likes music like clay aiken and micheal jackson
Plus he wants to be just like freddy mercury when he grows up.Tehe
-Mad hatter
Logan, quit referencing death note. Despite what you may think, its not funny. :( And what in the name of god are you talking about, saying rock has no anger in it?! mln One word: Disturbed. Another word: Slipknot. Sam would be ashamed. Moar ejipshun lazur beems!
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