Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. Published October 5, 2005, the book begins with 17-year-old Bella Swan moving to Forks Washington, to live with her father, Police chief, Charlie Swan. Forks is a small town, and it rains almost every day. On her first day of school, she meets Edward Cullen. Emmetiatly, she is entranced by his appearance, as welll as his standoffish demeanor. He generally keeps to himself, and never eats. She also refers to his appearance as “nonhuman.” When Bella is almost crushed by a truck, quick action from Edward pulls her from the scene. She is transported to the local hospital, and there meets Edwards adoptive father, Carlyle Cullen, who works as a doctor. When her class goes on a trip to the Quileute residence of La Push. Their, she learns from family-friend, Jacob Black, that the Cullens are not allowed on the residence, because they are a member of a group called the “cold ones.” Jacob tells her that the Cullens are “blood suckers”, but they aren’t supposed to be dangerous. He says that they have learned to control their need for blood by drinking animal blood. When she returns home, Bella considers this theory. She decides that even if Edward and his family are vampires, she doesn’t care. After she is again rescued by Edward, she tells him of this decision. “I decided it doesn’t matter,” she said.
“It doesn’t matter?” His tone made me look up. I’d finally broken through is carefully composed mask. His face was incredulous, with joust a hint of the anger I’d feared.
“no,” I said softly. “it doesn’t matter to me what you are.”
Edward is innecially reluctant to be anywhere near Bella, due to a fear that he will loose control of his desire to drink. But, when James, a vampire who does not agree with the Cullen’s diet, decides to track Bella. Will the drama overwhelm Bella, or will she persurvere and win Edwards attentions?
Good review never read th e book i plan to though.
-Mad hatter
Good review never read th e book i plan to though.
-Mad hatter
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